The Wandering Kohawk

León, Nicaragua
Welcome. My name is Mitchell and I'm a proud alumnus of Coe College and currently reside in León, Nicaragua. Most of this blog is about my travels over the past few years Enjoy!

My Address

A couple people have asked for my address, so here it is:

Mitchell Lincoln
Centre de Jeune - Gatenga
B.P. 468
Kigali - Rwanda

Chris received a package from his mother yesterday and it took exactly one month to arrive. My dad sent something about three weeks ago and I haven't received it yet, so take this how you will! I think mail works, its just painfully slow!

I'm headed back to the lake this weekend (with our contract guarenteeing the price we demanded), so I'm excited to go see the waterfall. And Mom, I promise not to go to the DRC this time.


  1. You live in Rwanda?! I live in Connecticut and I have a $50 bill with your web address and name on it! Haha

  2. Funny story about that... When I was on my trans-Atlantic flight en route to Rwanda I met a man from Poland on the plane. He proceeded to drink an entire bottle of duty-free vodka and was fascinated with where I was going and insisted that I give him my phone number. I figured the blog address on his $50 bill was good enough! Good PR!

  3. hahahaha that is HILARIOUS!!! Good way to get your story out there.. ;) haha
