After both Chris and I received very generous donations and gifts from our friends and family at home, we decided that we needed a way to best use these things. With the semester ending, I was brought back to the end of the school year at home to what was always my favorite day of the year – field day.
Chris and I spent an afternoon racking our brains and planning out games and events for our foyer boys. Along with some friends at the center (and Chris’ brother, a first grade teacher) we organized a pretty fun day. Maybe its because I have such fond memories of field day myself, but watching the boys enjoying themselves on our planned day will be one of my best memories of Rwanda.
We planned six events and had the boys split into six groups, but, as with everything here, we had to change the day, the time and the number of events and teams. So we were left with a soccer-juggling competition, basketball hot-shot, flag tag and Aerobe distance throw. We also had a footrace and water balloon toss.
This is our improvised flag tag game. They are actually flag football belts, but they worked great for our improvised tag game. Most contests ended with two boys dancing around each other in a circle going for the last flag on each others belt.Fidel is an actual FIFA referee, as well as a teacher here at our center. He took his job of running the soccer juggle competition very seriously. The winner juggled for 1 minute 36.45 seconds. Exactly.
When I was at Saber basketball camp in DeWitt in high school I never thought that the skills and games I was learning there would someday be useful in Africa, but I guess that’s how life works. They caught on pretty quickly to the game and got very competitive. I was the only one, however, to knock down the 15-point half-court shot.
Put a Frisbee through the tire and win a piece of candy!
This was by far my favorite part of the day. Again, after much explanation and discussion we got under way. Having never seen or touched a water balloon makes it very difficult to throw and catch, but hilarious to watch!
You rock!